
Hey, I'm Brandon.

Developer | Creator | Student

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Name: Brandon Feltz

Home: Phoenix, Arizona

age: 29

About Me:

My name is Brandon and creating is my passion! Every time I look at a problem, there's always something that pushes me to find elegant and efficient ways to solve it. Environments that require adaptability and project structured development always excites me as it provides the opportunity to build something special. Every problem or situation offers an opportunity for growth and the experience is worth more than gold. Let's create something together!


C Programming Language, Javascript, Node.js, Python3, Php, React, HTML5, CSS3, EJS, Bootstrap5, Tailwind CSS, MongoDB, Mongoose, MySQL, Express, Docker, GitHub, and Heroku



Trail Blazer

Trail Blazer is a full CRUD application that provides available hiking trails in the United States listed on the home page!

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Minishell is a my rendition of a simple unix command line interpreter, including several built in shell functions. Such as: echo, cd, env, setenv, unsetenv, exit.

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My recreation of the famous unix command "ls" including several built in flag handlers. Such as: -l, -a, -r, -t, -R.

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Wolf3d is a recreation of the gaming engine used in the game Wolfenstein3D that implements a ray-casting algorithm. Features include: full directional movement, wall collision detection, and modular map creation.

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Weather App

This simple weather web app was created using nodejs, express, basic html, and css

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